Benefits of Exercise

Benefits of Exercise

woman exercising with dumbbells to illustrate the benefits of exercise
Photo Credit: (Copyright: Ratthaphon Bunmi)

The benefits of exercise by far outweigh all of the reasons for disliking it. Women in particular, would rather do the starvation diet thing for the rest of their lives than even consider exercising. And I’ve heard it all. “It’s hard,” “I’m not coordinated,” and even…”I don’t like to sweat!” As if there’s a shortage on showers or something.

The primary benefits of exercise not only include weight loss and strength gain, but also prevention of so many health conditions. Exercise doesn’t have to be grunting it out in a gym next to the muscle head guys (although you can if you want to!). It really is something you can do at home with minimal equipment. Peruse these topics and go with what resonates with you.

Whatever it is that will work for you, is what you will continue to do. In other words, if it’s not at least a little bit enjoyable, you’re going to quit.

The trick is to find a balance of both cardiovascular and resistance training. Most women I know only do cardio and completely ignore resistance training. Resistance training by the way, includes but is not limited to weights. You need to do both because they’re beneficial for different things. Cardio addresses cardiovascular health. Strength (weight or resistance) training is good for strength, muscle, and bone health (for starters).

Just an FYI…I absolutely despise cardio! But yes, I do it anyway.

If you’re on this page for women over 40, you’re old enough to remember when cardio was called aerobics. Aerobics simply meant with air. In other words, you really are sucking in air while you do it. As opposed to say, lifting weights (anaerobic-without air), where the tendency is to hold your breath while you perform the exercise, or resist the weight.  Cardio exercise is any repetitive exercise like running where you breathe continuously, without holding your breath. In order for cardio to have its desired effect (losing weight and benefiting your cardiovascular system), your heart rate must increase and stay at a given point for a certain period of time.

How much time?

20-30 minutes, 1-3 times per week is great, but even 10 minute sessions can benefit you. For some who are short on time, a routine like 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening with high intensity is what works for them. As long as your heart rate is elevated during those time periods. Contrary to what many women do, long cardio sessions is not the way to go. Extended cardio can actually break down muscle (which helps burn fat). Think of marathon runners. Usually very lean, almost anorexic looking. Extended cardio can also release hormones which hinder fat loss. Also, serotonin, thyroid function, growth hormone, testosterone and estrogen levels are all disrupted.

Cardio is beneficial for:

  • Strengthening the lungs and heart
  • Releasing endorphins (feel good hormones)
  • Improve sleep
  • Reducing stress
  • Reducing hunger
  • Prevent/manage high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes
  • Burn fat

Resistance training or strength training

This includes weight training, resistance bands, body weight exercises, to name a few. Resistance training essentially includes any type of exercise where you’re moving your body against some type of resistance. It could be gravity, as seen with body weight exercises. Or, it could include added weights for more difficulty. This could also include exercises using strength training machines at a gym.

Strength training is beneficial for:

  • Muscle strength
  • Increased metabolism (which burns fat)
  • Improved flexibility and balance, even as you age
  • Maintain/improve bone density, which prevents osteoporosis
  • Reduced joint injury
  • Improved posture

This doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it sounds.

It’s not that hard and it’s the answer to all of the things you’re after. You want to get rid of cellulite, jiggly arms, jiggly thighs, and the belly pooch? Resistance training. You want to lose weight faster? Resistance training. I can’t say it enough! Although cardio is necessary for cardiovascular health and does indeed burn fat in its own right, resistance training burns fat more effectively and for much longer periods of time after you exercise.

Cardio burns fat while you’re doing it and for 2-3 hours after you stop. Resistance training burns fat while you’re doing it and for up to 2-3 days after you stop. Days! Why? In a nutshell, because muscle is harder to maintain. Plus there are muscle fibers to be repaired after you worked them out. You don’t have to go to a serious bodybuilding gym, like Gold’s Gym (think Arnold Schwarzenegger). Not everyone who goes there is of that caliber, but I can see how it would intimidate. There are gyms like Planet Fitness that have all you would need (and then some) that stress the “no intimidation” factor.

If that’s still too much for you, you could get strength training in at home.

I did for several years with minimal equipment before I could afford a gym membership. You could even start off a great and effective routine with no equipment, just body weight alone.

The benefits of exercise just simply cannot be ignored. Diet is key to weight loss. How you eat day to day, every day, habitually. But exercise is essential too. I get it…some women just hate exercise. But consider your future. The key is to find something you at least kind of like doing so that you’ll keep doing it. Consider finding an exercise buddy or looking for classes. Most gyms have a variety of classes, which include using dumbbells or resistance bands.

The following pages will address a multitude of exercise topics, from exercise trends, safety, and equipment.


Exercise equipment for beginners

Being a Gym Beginner – It Can Be Intimidating

How important is cardio for weight loss?

Are resistance training exercises necessary?