Are Resistance Training Exercises Necessary?

Are Resistance Training Exercises Necessary?

Are resistance training exercises necessary for fat loss? I’ll answer that question with a question.

How quickly do you want to lose weight?

woman lifting dumbbells for exercise for resistance training
(Photo Credit: Image ID: 121442868 Copyright: rido)


It is possible to lose weight with cardio alone. Sure. However, cardio is not as efficient as burning fat as a regimen which includes cardio and resistance training.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s define resistance training. “Resistance training increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against a weight or force… Different forms of resistance training include using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands and your own body weight.” 

Is the only benefit bigger and stronger muscles?

Absolutely not. The benefits are not limited to the following:

  • Improved muscle strength and tone, which protects joints from injury
  • Maintaining flexibility and balance, which can help you remain independent as you age
  • As you gain muscle, your body burns more calories when at rest
  • May help reduce or prevent cognitive decline in older people
  • Increased stamina – as you grow stronger, you won’t get tired as easily
  • Prevention or control of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, back pain, depression and obesity
  • Improved mobility and balance
  • Improved posture
  • Increased bone density and strength and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Enhanced performance of everyday tasks.

While all of the above are fantastic, the ones that stand out to me are prevention of chronic diseases, increased bone density, and your body burning calories while you sleep. Let’s face it…no one wants to deal with chronic illness. That’s a no-brainer. Increased bone density is huge as we age. We naturally lose bone density as we get older and this is a big cause for concern. This is why elderly people fall and break bones. As bones lose density, they become porous and brittle. The survival rate after a fall that breaks a hip isn’t great at all.

“It has been estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men will sustain a hip fracture in their lifetime. It has been reported that 86% of hip fractures occur in individuals aged 65 years and older. In usual care, the reported 1-year mortality after sustaining a hip fracture has been estimated to be 14% to 58%. The relative risk of mortality in the elderly patient population increases 4% per year.”

But let’s not forget the burn calories while you sleep bit. How cool is that and who wouldn’t want that?

Why does that happen? Because when you engage in resistance training exercise, you are building healthy muscle. That much is obvious. What you might not realize is that really good stuff keeps happening while you’re exercising and up to 2-3 days after you’ve stopped exercising.

Wait…2-3 DAYS??

Yes. Why? Because when you perform resistance training exercises, you’re damaging muscle fibers (in a good way). Those muscle fibers need to be repaired and maintained, so your body has to continue working hard, boosting your metabolism even while you sleep. Cardio only burns for 2-3 hours after you stop. Chew on that for a while.

Is lifting weights the only option for exercise for resistance training?

No. Not at all. Don’t forget that the definition of resistance training included weights, weight machines, resistance bands, and body weight. The important part is getting your muscles to resist something…gravity, tension from bands, or lifting something heavy. If you’re intimidated by the thought of pumping iron, you can get a great workout from body weight exercises and/or resistance bands.

Remember…cardio is good for cardiovascular health with some fat burning benefits. Resistance training not only burns fat more efficiently, but it also helps you to maintain a strong and healthy musculoskeletal system well into your golden years. Not to mention all the other health benefits that it offers. For ideal results, combine the two into a balanced routine.

So, how quickly do you want to get rid of your excess fat?