Mindset for Success

Your mindset for success can make or break your goals.

woman with doubtful mindset
Photo Credit: 123RF.com (Copyright: Aleksandr Davydov)

Mindset and success go hand in hand. The problem is, most of us have a healthy dose of doubt through no fault of our own. Society conditions us that way. “You want to do what?” “Are you crazy?” “You can’t do that!” “You’ll never pull that off.” From a very young age, we start to have doubt in ourselves and what we’re capable of. As young as the 1st or 2nd grade, we become acutely aware of what our peers will think. By this time, we give more importance to what other people think over what we think. We become aware of peer pressure. Pressure to fit in. Pressure to not rock the boat, call attention to ourselves, and so on. In the process, we hand over power over our own lives to other people and what they think.

And so, throughout life, we hold back (expect for the brazen few). These brazen few are the odd individuals that people will say, “walk to the beat of their own drum.” Society expects you to behave as they do. If you don’t, you’re weird or a misfit. The majority of humanity will sit back and watch from the sidelines as their own life slips by. Oh, sure…they have secret goals and dreams, but they fear criticism and their own doubts about their ability to achieve their goals will keep them firmly planted on the sidelines. And, as any expert will tell you, doubts will kill your dreams faster than anything. The mindset for success can be built, just like your healthy body. But the majority (just over two-thirds) of humanity in the US is overweight to obese. Do you really want to follow their mentality, or are you willing to face your doubts?

You are not alone!

These pages will help you find the right mindset, even when you’re full of doubts.


Dealing with haters effectively

Is the habit of making excuses holding you back?

Is your self talk holding you back?

Fitness and the power of a positive mindset

Overcoming obstacles on your weight loss journey

New Year’s Resolutions – 5 Tips to Beating the Odds